Most advisors come to us looking for a solution for a specific challenge. Either they are frustrated with the way they are currently operating, or they heard from another advisor about how our software can make their life easier. 

Covisum’s suite of retirement income planning software is designed to help you improve your processes and demonstrate your advice's value by seamlessly weaving together the most important aspects of a retirement income strategy for your clients. 

The other day, I talked with one of our advisors whose practice added $100 million in business in the last year and credited our software and support for making it possible. That’s the value of a financial advisor using Covisum’s retirement income planning platform.


A Closer Look at the Covisum Fintech Software Suite

Covisum solutions are available modularly, so they fit into your practice where you need them. You may want to beef up the income planning tool you already use with a better solution for finding Roth conversion opportunities and other withdrawal strategies, or you may need the ability to seamlessly toggle between tax opportunities and a Social Security benefit plan in virtual client meetings. 

Whatever your specific needs, Covisum has the right mix of software to help make your job easier. Let’s look at some features that make Covisum software solutions so powerful for financial advisors, whether used independently or as part of a comprehensive retirement income planning strategy.


Income InSight®

The Income InSight financial planning platform has everything financial advisors need to create a comprehensive retirement income strategy:

  • Show the impact of different decisions within a client's financial plan.
  • Help clients understand key variables such as life expectancy, tax efficiency, and sequence of withdrawals.
  • Help clients determine which account to draw from and when.
  • Show the impact of Roth conversions.
  • Stress test strategies against a down market, inflation, early death, long-term care need, and more.
  • Give clients a clear view of their retirement outlook and provide alternate scenarios for comparison.


Tax Clarity®

Tax Clarity helps you navigate the retirement tax landscape with unique visual capabilities that show clients the value you provide:

  • Show clients how to make the most tax-efficient retirement decisions.
  • Identify and avoid suboptimal tax situations.
  • Find opportunities for Roth conversions.
  • Compare different withdrawal strategies and their tax impact.


Social Security Timing®

Designed by advisors for advisors, Social Security Timing helps you streamline the complexities of Social Security:

  • Optimize your clients’ Social Security claiming strategies.
  • Increase their retirement value.
  • Use the “What’s at Stake” feature to show the impact of different decisions.
  • Compare strategies.



Be the trusted advisor your clients need. Use SmartRisk to open their eyes to market risk and set downside expectations:

  • Analyze portfolio risk.
  • Help clients avoid costly mistakes. 
  • Showcase your value.


Covisum Software Solutions Are Better Together 

Although each Covisum solution is an asset, advisors maximize the value they can provide clients and the ROI their practice can achieve when they subscribe to the entire software suite. 

For example, your client may need help visualizing how the different parts of their retirement income strategy make up the whole. You can use Income InSight to give the client an overview of their broader retirement income strategy and then toggle between Tax Clarity, Social Security Timing, and SmartRisk to dive into the details and demonstrate how changes to one affect the others.

If your client has a pain point they want to discuss, such as retirement taxes, Social Security benefits, or risk, you can start with the specific issue and then expand the conversation. Use Tax Clarity, Social Security Timing, and SmartRisk to answer your client’s questions. Then, drive home your value using Income InSight to demonstrate how each segment impacts their overall retirement income plan.


Add Value to Your Practice With Covisum’s Powerful Software Suite

Many current and soon-to-be retirees think DIY retirement planning sounds like a good idea — until it doesn’t. When these prospects seek a professional financial advisor to create a substantive retirement income strategy, the right fintech software can help you turn them into clients.

Covisum’s Income InSight, Tax Clarity, Social Security Timing, and SmartRisk solutions add significant value to your practice. When used together, they form a powerful, comprehensive retirement income planning tech stack that provides financial advisors with the tools to attract and retain clients.

Try Covisum’s software suite for free for 10 days, and find out why more than 20,000 financial advisors trust Covisum to showcase their retirement income planning expertise.


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