5 Effective Ways To Reach New Clients

Published On: May 1st, 2022 - 2.1 min read - Categories: Niching & Attracting Ideal Clients - 0 Comments on 5 Effective Ways To Reach New Clients -
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One of the ways to gather topics for an article you write, are by answering questions or reading questions on social networking sites.  That’s how this article started.  I was on Alignment.com and someone asked, “What’s The Most Effective Way To Reach New Clients”.

I started writing and it took a while for me to stop.  I turned what I wrote into a top 5 article.  Here it is!

    1. Pin down your niche – the general “who” you work with best, and then get specific by identifying your ideal client characteristics.  Marry your passion, products/services, and profit level within your niche.  If your marketing is great, but hasn’t yet worked for you, go back to Step 1:  Create a Niche
    2. Take your niche to the next level by identifying your ideal client profile (ICP).  “Paint” a picture of who you want to work with.  However, your ICP is even more than that.  These are people you have a passion to serve, people who value what you offer, etc.  So their characteristics are important.  Their needs need to mirror the value you provide.  And it’s important to know their wants as well as their needs.  When you do this right, they’ll tell you where they hang out and how they want you to reach more of them.
    3. Stop selling or “hunting clients down”! Selling is old school. Connecting is “in”.  Find ways to target your ideal clients in a way that attracts more of them to you and in ways you can connect with them on a deeper level both off and online.  And monitor your efforts!
    4. Create a strategic plan.  My clients, who are established business owners, are amazed at how struggling through this step with me helps them “breath better” in the long run.
    5. Create messaging, a bio, value proposition, SWOT, competitive advantage, business snapshot, website, and other marketing collateral that is meant to connect with your ideal clients — vs. anyone who breathes.  Make the messaging about the solutions you provide — NOT– about products.
  1. Create these basic business systems then just update them yearly.  The learning curve is the most of course, the first time you create them!  Attract clients with words, images, and who you are vs. hunting clients down.  And you’ll soon become the obvious choice for people seeking the type of help you offer, to boot!



      1. Read and
      2. Join the next Book More Clients program here.

This answer was originally published, in whole or part on www.Alignable.com 


(c) 2015 Maria Marsala   Rev. 2022

About The Author

An irrepressible entrepreneur, Maria Marsala sold AVON at age 14 and landed on Wall Street three years later. She became a bond trader when female executives were as rare as pink diamonds. For 25 years, Maria streamlined Fortune 500 companies, nurtured non-profits, and discovered her niche—mentoring women CEOs and executives. Armed with corporate secrets and life coach credentials, Maria founded Elevating Your Business to help female financial professionals live better using her proprietary brand of consultative-coaching. Contact Maria today and take the first step toward freedom, full-fillment, and a sparkling quality of life! Contact me now!

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